Angelo DiCicco от AlexanderAngelo placed top three for the past three years at the CrossFit Games. He dominated the teen category in Madison in 2017. You can follow him here.
Kari Pearce от Alexander2x Games athlete Kari Pearce finished 5th in 2016, but she’s set to win the Women’s Division outright. You can follow her progress on Instagram.
Björgvin K. Guðmundsson от AlexanderBjörgvin K. Guðmundsson is a 4-time CrossFit Games competitor from Iceland. He won the CrossFit Invitational for Team Europe in 2016 in RockTape Assassins and made third place as an individual in the 2013 Games. Follow BK here…
Demi Bagby от AlexanderDemi Bagby is an Instagram sensation, acrobat and all-around superhuman. Follow her here…
Neal Maddox от AlexanderNeal Maddox is a multi-year CrossFit Games competitor, a trainer, and owner of CrossFit X-treme Athletics. Follow him…